Inspecting Matplotlib’s Design: An Exploration of the Composite Pattern

Khayyon Parker
3 min readJan 24, 2024



Matplotlib, a popular Python library for creating static, interactive, and animated visualizations, is renowned for its versatility and extensive capabilities. In this blog post, we’ll delve into Matplotlib’s design principles, shedding light on how it aligns with the Composite Pattern — a structural design pattern that plays a pivotal role in building complex visualizations.

Understanding the Composite Pattern:

A sample UML class and object diagram for the Composite design pattern.

The Composite pattern is a well-known design pattern from the Gang of Four. It aims to solve the problem of treating individual objects and compositions of objects the same by giving a common public interface that all objects (individual or composite) follow. This is nifty because it allows others to use the same set of operations across different kinds of objects, this also allows other programmers to use the same methods without needing any type-checking logic.

Implementing the Composite Pattern

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

# Abstract Component
class Shape(ABC):
def draw(self):

# Leaf Component
class Circle(Shape):
def draw(self):
print("Drawing Circle")

# Leaf Component
class Square(Shape):
def draw(self):
print("Drawing Square")

# Composite Component
class CompoundShape(Shape):
def __init__(self):
self.shapes = []

def add(self, shape):

def draw(self):
print("Drawing Compound Shape")
for shape in self.shapes:

# Client Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
circle = Circle()
square = Square()

compound_shape = CompoundShape()

# Drawing individual shapes

# Drawing compound shape

What is going on here

  • Shape is the abstract base class representing the component
  • Circle and Square are leaf components that implement the draw method for individual shapes.
  • CompoundShape is a composite component that can contain other shapes (leaf or composite). It also implements the draw method, treating both individual shapes and compound shapes uniformly

This toy example of the composite pattern serves as a basis for what to look out for when spotting it in other code bases. So now, we will be looking at the pattern in a popular static data visualization library Matplotlib.

Understanding the Composite Pattern in Matplotlib:

1. Hierarchy in Matplotlib:

Matplotlib’s design revolves around a hierarchical structure, with the Figure serving as the overarching container. Within a Figure, you can create one or more Axes objects. These Axes objects act as individual plots or subplots, forming a tree-like structure.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create a figure and axis
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# Plot data on the axis
ax.plot([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], label='Line Plot')

# Customize the plot
ax.set_title('Composite Pattern in Matplotlib')

# Show the plot

2. Components as Building Blocks:

In Matplotlib, each component — whether it’s a Figure, Axes, or the actual plot elements—acts as a building block. This allows for a modular and flexible approach to creating visualizations. You can customize and combine these components to construct intricate and layered plots.

The Strength of Composition:

3. Flexibility in Visualization:

The Composite Pattern in Matplotlib empowers users to compose visualizations with ease. By combining different components, you can create diverse plots, handle multiple subplots, and add various elements to enhance the overall presentation.

4. Extensibility and Complexity:

As your visualization needs evolve, Matplotlib’s design accommodates increasing complexity. Whether you’re adding multiple subplots, customizing axes, or incorporating diverse plot types, the Composite Pattern provides a scalable structure for extensibility.


Matplotlib’s alignment with the Composite Pattern underscores its prowess in creating intricate visualizations. By understanding the hierarchy and composition of its components, users can harness the full potential of Matplotlib for a wide range of data visualization tasks.

As you embark on your data visualization journey with Matplotlib, consider the Composite Pattern as your guide. Experiment with different components, customize your plots, and discover the richness of visual representation within this powerful Python library.

Happy visualizing! 📊✨

#Matplotlib #DataVisualization #Python #CompositePattern #Programming



Khayyon Parker

Software Engineer turned Data Scientist with 5+ years of demonstrated history of working in the information technology and services industry